Monday, May 23, 2011

McAfee Knob - awesome hike with the hubby!

Our friends went on this hike/date last summer and we/i have been wanting to go ever since. Wow - going on a walk/hike - just me and James... Hours together out in the great outdoors. This sounds silly to those of you who are not married or without children. But for those of you in our shoes you know how rare and wonderful this sounds. We enjoyed seeing the shaddow of the clouds on the mountains. It was fun to drink the spring water and it was alot of fun to have quiet peace for a few hours. This year we have been taking time out for the two of us and it has helped me alot to feel like my own person. I love being a mother but I kinda like being Aisling too (without snot on my shirt and toddler issues inside my mind constantly). Call me selfish/dramactic but it is keeping me sane :) It was a beautiful day and I came back refreshed! I love making memories with my man.

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