Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A blessing

I brought some of the children to the doctor today. People do look at me funny when I venture out with more than two little ones. People are not shy to ask questions or give a comment. Someone actually said to their partner (about us) "Should I tell that woman how babies are made?!"... seriously? yep. The blessing? Today when I was signing in at the doctors office, the receptionist said "I have two adopted sons. They are grown now, she said. One is a minister". Awwww. How sweet of her to cheer me on. How sweet of her to share that she has two grown sons and that they are doing well. When I left her she said "God bless you". A stranger. And she blessed me so. She blessed me. I pray I remember to cheer others on as this woman did for me today.

Color Run

James and I ran the 5 k color run together. So much fun!

Happy St Patrick's Day (a little late)

Precious Moments

We have gradually bagan to talk to the children about adoption. We have been talking about what adoption means. Our oldest foster son said "Adoption is when you join a family but you don't really belong" (how sad!). I went on to explain that once you are adopted into a family you belong as much as anyone else in the family. You have all the same rights, benefits as anyone else in the family. The older children had never even heard of the word adoption. So strange to go from thoughts of reunification to birth family to joining a new family forever. So much for little children to grasp! A few days ago I was driving the kids into school. Our oldest foster son said happily, "I'm adopted!". I said "me too!"... Conor said "no you're not mom". I said "I am! I am adopted into the family of God!" Oldest foster son very excitedly said "Hey! I'm adopted twice! Once into the Solarek family and once into the family of God! I have asked God to save me too!". Well, you can just imagine how my heart filled with joy and my eyes filled with tears. It has been a blessing to see the children get used to the idea of adoption and joining our forever family. We have not finished the adoption process but are blessed to have bonded fully with the concept. There are hard days. There are sad days. There are frustrating days... But let's be honest. There are hard days and sad days and frustrating days with biological children, family members, co workers and friends. We have been foster parents for over a year now. What a blessing and a privilege it has been. I am so thankful that God brought me these four blessings to add to our already blessed family of four. Most people say I have my hands full. I love when people tell me how blessed I am. I know I am blessed and for that I am very thankful!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Hearing my son tell me he is adopted twice will be one of the sweetest things I will ever hear xoxoxo