Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Conor - one of my three biggest blessings.

Conor used to wake up each day saying "where are we going today and is anyone coming over?". For the last few weeks he has been asking "Are we staying home today?" and if I say "yes" - he says a very happy "yes!". He says he has a lot of fun at home and loves to play with his toys. He loves Toy Story and acts the movie out most of the day. He used to do that to the movie Cars. It's kinda nice that he likes to be home with me at the moment. When James is home with us, Conor prays ' thanks God that we can all be together'. It is humbling. It is humbling becasue God has given me a beautiful family and the relationship reminds and teaches me so much about Him and how He loves me. I dont deserve my beautiful gift of a family. But God has given them to me and I rejoice. I rejoice in God's goodness and grace and mercy. I can dance thinking of my joyful blessing. God, may i dance in the goodness of trials too. My biggest trial is prob being so far away from Ireland and the people/family there. It is a trail but it is small in reality. I know that. I have been through worse and I am sure you have been too. But, what I want to do is dance through those trials. Because it's all about God. it's all about knowing Him and growing in Him. I am not on a quest to have alot of stuff down here or to "arrive" down here. I'm getting to know the God of the Universe and be who and do whatever He has for me.
Conor, I pray that we will always be close to you and I pray that this house will always be a refuge to you. I pray your heart will be safe here. I love you,son.

Erin - in all of her glory :)

Erin, It is time to tarnish your sweet little name... Well, you were perfect for your first year of life but your second year?? :) I have a few stories! First of all, you are a light sleeper and dont take the longest naps ever AND you wake up bright and early in the mornings- very happy to start your day. Have I told you I am not a morning person?!
You like to pull everything out of your dresser draws in your room - I tell you (in more ways than one!) each time to please leave your clothes and toys alone while 'sleeping'.
Another thing you like to do is get into the diaper creams and vaseline and plaster it all over your body,legs,arms,face and your dollies and your wall. I put the creams in my bathroom but somehow you get to it if I leave you alone for any time at all. Have you ever heard of playing quietly in your room or reading a few books??
I came downstairs the other morning and found you in the lving room watching Dora with the whip cream tub (out and open from the fridge!) along with some turkey lunch meat. Hello, child who just turned 2 in feb? please stay out of the fridge and stop eating me out of house and home.
Another thing you like to do is walk around naked with your princess high heals on - that just makes me laugh! I do insist you wear a diaper but once you soil it (sorry folks!) ... you like to take it off! I have to keep a close eye on you to see where the diaper ended up and that no "remenants" are anywhere. Sorry but this stuff needs to be documented because Erin has been way too good (up until recently!)
You used to really like nursery but for the last few months you have not been a huge fan. You cry each time we drop you off. That is sad :( Good news though- this past sunday your teachers said you were 'helping' them by pushing the other babies in their swings. You love babies! You love hugs and kisses.
You love to color, play plydough, paint, sing and dance. You love the trampoline. You love outside more than Conor does. You could stay out exploring all day in any type of weather. You dont seem to love reading (hope thats not a bad sign for your sholastic future - ha)
You love people and are very friendly. When you are shy, you act so sweet (unlike someone else we know - conor ahem!)
The other day I was in your room and you told me (in your own language) to get into bed. So, I climbed into your toddler bed :) You covered me up, kissed my head, talked sweetly and shut the blinds and blew me a kiss from the door. You also took the toys out of the room which was hilarious to me. You did everything I do to you. After you shut the door, I climbed out of bed and knocked loudly on the door like you do! You came back in and pointed your finger at me and told me to get back into the bed!! You kissed me again and left. Ahhh Erin, I smiled from the bottom of my heart because you were being such a sweet mom. Am I always sweet? No. But you reminded me that you are watching me and learning how to be a mommy and a lady. I will act like God so when you act like me - you are acting like our Master and King of Kings - God.
I love you sweet girl.

Monday, March 21, 2011

what a beautiful princess you are, erin!

Erin Grace Feb 6 @ 4:53 pm - 7lbs 15 oz - 19 in long (birth,1st bday,2 bday)

Youre celebrating without me?

March is a sad month for me... Maybe because Feb is such a HAPPY month! We had Erin's 2nd birthday on the 6th. I love birthdays and celebrating with the people I love. Then we had James' birthday on the 11th. Then we had valentines day, Then we had our engagement anniversary which got me a weekend alone with my hubby at a marraige conference. See what I mean? alot of happiness.
For erin's birthday we had a party with skylar and addie. Addie is a li

ttle one yr old girl we mind (erin's best friend) and skylar is conor's age but erin really likes her too :)I am always blessed when parents bring their little ones over to my house to celebrate with us. When you live far away from blood family, God blesses with other 'family'. People who get to know your kids and love them like they were apart of their blood family. That means alot to this mom. Every mom wants people to think their kid is a rock star and notice their accomplishments and special days.
We also went to Ohio and met up with friends from our last church. Titus and Makayla Devlin (and their parents). We had fun at the creation museum and the aquairium. Its always nice to meet up with friends and catch up in person. I must add that i do hate travelling and def complain more than the kids while on road trips. I think part of the problem is the octopus arms we moms have to have. To switch dvds, hand out snacks, wipe noses, hand out drinks, wipe up messes, dry tears, maybe create a few tears, give the right toy to the right kid etc, ALL while strapped into your seat belt! Yeah - Im not a fan. Feb was fun for me but i know my sisters and irish family were sad to not be with erin on her birthday.
March brings my sister Tracey's birthday. Mam, Tina and Tracey had a nice little celebration together which i was sad to miss. St Patricks day brought another fun day for the girls that i missed and mam's 60th brithday is this thur. I would love to live around the corner from my sisters and my mam. It would be lovely to pop in for tea and a chat. Maybe an arguement now and then. Im sure we would have those with four very strong personalities. It would be lovely to have them around my kids and influence them. I havent lived in the same country as them since 1999. That date doesnt seem like long to me until i say 12 years. Wow - 12 years? I miss them. I miss them alot in March.
The good news is, mam is planning to visit me soon. She saw erin when she was a new born, her second time was last year when erin was one and this will be her third encounter with my daughter. Her grand daughter.
I know I am blessed to love them enough to miss them so much. I know I am blessed to be married to James and be the mom of these two precious kids. But I guess everyone has something. God gives us all something to make us ache for HIM. He can meet my every need. HE can provide other relationships close with 'skin' on. He has done that for me manys a time. On st Paricks day we went to the park to enjoy the sunshine. We bumped in to friends of ours from the church and they invited us back to their house for dinner. It was fun! It was God thinking of me and blessing me with friends and 'family'. God provides. I know this is not my home. I know that Ireland is not my home. HEAVEN is. That's what Im living for. That's my focus. If it's not - it needs to be. God, use me where you put me and Im looking forward to the day I will be home forever.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Conversations with Conor

"Mom, I want to go to a college where the mommy and daddys come too".

"Daddy, when I'm bigger I'm gonna get a wife and she's gonna have a baby." "Ok, what are you going to name your baby?". "Can I call my baby Erin?" "Yes"... "Daddy, is my wife gonna have another baby?" "maybe" "Ok - Im gonna name my second baby Sammy".

What I think is hilarious is that when he is old enough to get married he is not going to let us decide these huge issues. It makes me to smile to think that when he is older I can look back on this converstaion. Maybe Ill show him this and let him know that he once thought we were the rulers of the world.
I think it is awesome though that my job is to train him to be independent and not to need me but to need God and the wife that I hope will be in his future. - And of course little erin and sammy - ha ha :0)

Conor told me he would like to marry Mrs Jones (his k3 teacher) "but she is already married to Mr Tim" he said sadly! :)

"I know you're married to mommy. That means you will never be alone." great take on marriage, son. love you!